• Programmer's World Forums - Notice of Permanent Closure •

It is with deepest regret that we inform you of the closure of the Programmer's World Forums. This decision does not come as an easy one, but it is both the practical and responsible thing to do. From a practical standpoint, the forum was not needed because other sites such as StackOverflow where you can get almost immediate answers to your questions are no match for a small start-up forum such as the Programmer's World. From a responsible standpoint, closing the forum was the right thing to do because the lack of people on it as well as my growing lack of interest in maintaining the site made it a target for collecting personal information such as e-mail addresses from people. Because of this, I have removed the site and all of its contents. If you are interested in being contacted in the event that I reopen the forum, please send an e-mail to programminglanguageforums@gmail.com with the subject "ADDTOLIST - PWF RESTART ALERT", and you will be added to our list of those potentially interested in our site.