The administrators, moderators, and forum security on the Programming Language Community Forums will try hard to edit or remove reprehensible messages as soon as possible. However, it is impossible for them to review all the messages. You thus admit that all the messages posted on this forum express the sight and opinion of their respective authors and not those of the administrators, forum security or the Webmaster (except messages posted by them) and consequently, they cannot be held responsible of the discussions.

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- This forum uses a series of warning bars to show what kind of reputation you have with the administrators and forum security. Listed below is each warning bar, and what it means. Next to each rule listed below in {brackets} is the penalty for breaking the rule.
           - This means that the user has no warnings.
           - This means that the user has one warning.
           - This means that the user has two warnings.
           - This means that the user has three warnings/a serious warning.
           - This means that the user has been banned.
Please note that because warnings add up over time based on different offenses, you will be banned if you...
          - Conduct an offense after already having 3 warnings.
          - Conduct an offense after already having 2 Warnings & A Serious Warning.
          - Conduct an offense after already having 1 Warning & A Serious Warning.
          - Conduct an offense after already having 1 Serious Warning.
Please also note that all bans & warnings are permanent, unless otherwise decided by the administrator.

- Aggressive or slanderous messages, as well as personal insults and critics are prohibited. {Each offense will cause your warning status to be dropped by one, until the banning point has been reached.}
- Any message contravening French or American laws are prohibited. {Banned upon first offense. Depending upon the severity of the offense, offense may be reported to legal officials.}
- Messages that promote - or evoke - illegal practices are prohibited. {Banned upon first offense.}
- If you post information which comes from another site, look first if the site in question doesn't forbid it. Show the address of the site in question in order to respect the work of their administrators! {First offense, serious warning, next offense will be the banning point.}
- Please post your messages only once. Repetition is unpleasant and useless! {First offense, reminder without change to warning status, all consecutive offenses will cause warning status to be dropped by one until banning point has been reached.}
- Please make an effort on grammar and spelling. SMS-style language (ex: r u sk8ing?) is not advised, but is allowed in the chatbox! {First offense, reminder will be made without change to warning status, and post will be edited by administrator. All consecutive offenses will cause warning status to be dropped by one until banning point is reached.}
- Attempting to hack the Programming Language Community Forums will not be tolerated, even users who claim to be penetration testers will not be permitted to attempt to hack. {Banned upon first offense.}
- Posting harmful/malicious code or programs is not allowed. {Banned upon first offense.}
- Spamming of any kind is not permitted. {Banned upon first offense.}
- All rules which apply to the forum also apply to the chatbox unless otherwise stated. Mis-use of the chat is not allowed. {Consequence will be decided on the spot by Chatbox Administration.}
- In the YouTube field located in the "Contact" page of each user's profile, post only the link to your channel. Posting links to anything besides your channel in the "YouTube" field is not allowed! {First statusoffense, removal of link, reminder via PM. Consecutive offenses, removal of link, warning dropped by one until banning point has been reached.}

- All new users are required to create a thread introducing themselves in the "Introduce Yourself!" forum before participating in any other thread. {First three offenses, warning via Private Message; After three warnings via PM, Warning Status will drop one at a time until banning point is reached.}

Any message contravening the listing above will be edited or removed without additional notice or justification within deadlines which will depend on the availability of the administrators or forum security. Any abuse will involve the cancellation of the registration. Internet is neither an anonymous space, nor a space of no-right! We reserve ourselves the possibility of informing your access provider and/or the legal authorities of any malevolent behavior. An IP address of each poster is recorded in order to help us to make you respect these conditions.

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- You acknowledge to have fully read these current rules;
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- You agree to let the administrators change these rules at any time for any reason.